Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October 1, 2008 (Evening)

Will, can you believe it.....the start of another month. You know the trees are turning fast around my neck of the woods and the acorns are really falling. I took Sadie out for her walk around the yard this afternoon and I was so worried that one would fall and hit her on her little head and knock her right out; when they come down and hit you on the head it does hurt believe me. Today I did not get too much accomplished other than paying bills but of course that is a big plus I have them out of the way for another month. One has to be thankful that they can even to that now days with the way the world is going. I read the news on line most of the time and I get so disgusted it's awful, there is truly no need of the way things have is all due to very poor management of funds and allot of padding the pockets of big CEO's that make more the we could ever imagine in a life time. I will not go with my rant I will save it for my Facebook you can read it there.

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