Monday, May 26, 2008

Flowering Crab Tree

I just have to share this picture with you all. My flowering crab tree has lasted two weeks or more. I just can not believe it, it's totally awesome. The deep pinks and lighter pinks it's just takes my breath this year and the tree itself as grown so much. So tell me what to you think?

Friday, May 16, 2008

Returning from Florida

I just got back a couple of days ago from Florida and oh was the weather beautiful, I just wanted to bring some of it back home with me. I do believe the good weather is headed our way even though the nights and mornings done feel like it right now. Today I mowed my lawn for the first time, just can not imagine it, a couple of months ago I did not think it would ever come. My trip to Florida was to bring home my mother and father in-law. They had a very good winter and we are shooting for a good summer for them as well. It was nice to visit with Roland and Marie while I was in Florida and I also got to see Marc and Karen as well and meet Karen's finance' and don't you know they are making wedding plans for next April 18Th 2009. While I was in Florida my niece Crystal got engaged as well and I am very pleased, now I will sit back and wait for the date for her big day...........oh, I just hope it not the same day as Karen's, it will be hard to be in Florida and Maine at the same time...........hehehe. Paul and I can always split the difference he goes south and I go north east with the kids, this would be the only solution........RIGHT? Of course you know this is one of my weird feelings they both get married on the same day........................

Saturday, May 3, 2008

"My Girl"

This is the special girl in my niece! This is my sister Nancy's daughter Crystal, she was the first born girl in the family and she has become very special to all of us. Me, especially. So she is my girl.............I Love You!

Few Family Photo's

While I was up too Lubec visting with the family and attending the girls parting we took some family pictures but not all of us are there mostly girls except for Sherry, whom is taking the pictures. I will explain the first one which is going to be Crystal family her mother Nancy, my sister, and her two daughters, Kelci and Addison and too the left is my mother, Alice and my dog Sadie.

The next one I am going to upload is a picture of my mother and me.........Mom is tired...poop out from all the kids I think. Sadie is with us as well, I don't get too far without Sadie.

Dress-Up Talent (Girls)

Will after the party had come down to a slow pace we had some dress up talent from the girls. There mother had gotten them some dress up shoes........on my goodness they are adorable, pink with lots of bling and heels and wedges and also for there birthday's they got sun dresses. Will here we go with the modeling. Kelci of course wanted to model her Cinderella dress with her pink shoes, she is starting a new trend..........soon to be shown in your locate stores, hehehe. I am sure it you don't see it in a store call Kelci's designs..............hehehe. Now we are going to more on too the young ladies in there sun dresses and there pink bling shoes.
Now aren't these just charming outfits, well worn by these sweet young ladies...........Kelci with her Cabbage Patch doll, she got for her birthday from Papa Steve. She is styling don't you think. Addie, is styling in this adorable print sun dress with her pink bling shoes............I just love it! I had so much fun with these girls. I love the fashion show it was really something, these are only just a couple of shots, too many too show all. But please enjoy what I have shown you.

My Trip to Lubec!

Last week I left home on Friday for a very important event back home. My great nieces were having there birthday parties. Kelci exactly was turning 4 on April 27Th and Addison will be 3 on May 13Th. Birthday parties are very special to little girls and believe me these girls were so excited they could hardly stand themselves. There mother had the little mermaid cake made for them and it is just adorable. What do you think? Those girls could not stop talking about this cake. Kelci, wanted to get the candles blown out right off so she could have some of her hair to eat.......hehehe, isn't that cute. I got the biggest kick of that. Addie was so busy playing with her new doll she got it was hard getting her to the table to blow out candles but after awhile we finally got them both together. Believe me this was very quick as Addie had to get back playing with here doll. The cake was cut and served with ice cream and all was happy. Than we went on too some other talent which I will show you in a differnt part of my blog. Believe me I was well intertained while I was there. When I got back home I was so tired and so was Chester and Sadie they slept all the way home except for my stop in Ellsworth for them to take a walk and for me to get my Dunkin Donut coffee and be on my way again. After getting unpacked we all headed for the couch to take a nap. Lights Out!