Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Veggie Plant Shopping

Will today I went and picked up some veggie plants to put in pots, 12 tomato and 6 pepper. I was not going to buy any but I decided prepares I should, oh! I also picked up 6 cucumber plant to put in my small flower garden off to the right of my pool so they will have plenty of room to run if the wild turkeys don't get them first or maybe I might plant them in one of my big turtles. I will have to take a picture of my sand box turtles so you can all see them they are cute, specially when I get them all planted and things started to grow. I have also got some of my flowers in the whiskey barrels but I still have allot more to go but I will get there.
I did get a little planting done over Memorial weekend but spend allot of time cleaning up things in the yard that needed to get done. Well I must say it is time for me to abide you a good night, I am tired it's been a very busy day.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Beautiful Flowers

Yes, it's been awhile since I have stopped by and dropped a few lines to let you all know what I have been up too. I have been busy spring cleaning in my house as you know it takes me awhile now to do things but I am getting there. Yesterday I went to Audette's and bought some beautiful hanging plants and than today I went up to Home Depot and bought a few annuals to fill two whiskey barrels so I am making a little head way for outside as well. I have to tell you Marie and Albert are now back home from Florida for the summer, they seem to been doing well. Will this weekend coming is Memorial weekend and I am in hopes to get some planting done and weeding in my flower bed out front, but we will see, have to play it one day at a time. Will I guess I will ran off to the Chalet to see what the ladies are up too before I go off to bed, so I will say good night for now...............

Saturday, May 5, 2007

A Beautiful Day

The weather was just beautiful today and it feels so good I can not begin to tell you. Allot of accomplishments got done around the house today as well, the whole yard got raked, the area down at the lake got cleaned too and more spring cleaning inside the house got done. I am getting very anxious to plant some flowers in my whiskey barrels but it is still early yet but I have yet to clean out my flower beds so that will keep me busy until it warms up for the other plants. Will, I wanted to stop by and drop off a few words so you all would know what has been happening here in Longfellow Cove, as you can see we are keeping busy, so take care I will be back, off to the Chalet for a Designer Chat.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Barnes and Nobles

To night I went to a book signing at Barnes and Noble. The book that I am going to be reading is named The Women Who Raised Me it's a memoir of Victoria Rowell. Will it was so exciting she was there in person signing her book but before she did this she talked to everyone about herself and than she read some from her book and took some questions. What a very personable woman, pleasant, and sweet. I took several pictures. I have to tell you she was asked about her story line on Young and the Restless, if she would be returning and she told the crowd, "will they have not found my hat yet", this is what they call a cliff hanger. Was really cute the way she came out with her take on the story line. I got my book signed and I also asked her if I could give her a hug and she told me why of course you may and I told her she was so sweet. Oh! by the way I gave a secret away to her as well I told her that Paul and Richard told there lunch from 12:30 to 1:30 so they could watch Young and the Restless, she really got a kick out of that.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Happy May Day

What a day! The sun is shining, a slight breeze it is beautiful out. Well Mother Nature you finally see it my way, I am so glad we can agree on something. hehehe.....
I just love days like this you see the trees starting too bud out and the grass is getting really green and believe it or not it won't be long now be a mowing will take place; matter of fact I heard a mower across the cove late this afternoon. I heard the children playing out in the yard next door while putting the trash out and Chester was getting so excited he did not want to come back it so he stayed out and laid in the yard and watched the kids, he loves kids you know. Oh, I must tell you today is May Day too, for some of you that don't know when I was a young child my mother and my other siblings we use to make May baskets for our friends and fill them with candy and deliver them and they use to do the same, so I am wishing all of you a Happy May Day.