Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to you all! It has been a very nice day for us, we got up and had coffee and than went to Church and than later this afternoon we went over to Bill and Kim's for an open house type of gathering. There was so much food, shrimp, ham, dips, chips and of course sweets oh my goodies there was nothing missing it was wonderful. I visited with such wonderful ladies we had some great laughs and good chats and the guys were laughing up a storm in the kitchen I suppose telling them old war stories of theirs or filling one another full of figgy pudding. Kim's tree was so beautiful we sat there and just complemented on and talked about our own and than of course I had to tell the girls about my tree.............yes my ceramic tree I put up this year instead of a regular tree. I guess I have not been in much of the Christmas spirit this year with so much going on and things being so upside down, maybe next year. Will I am going to go and check and see if the girls are on the forum and maybe chat for a bite than I am off to slumber land..........good nite one and all.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Brad & Kate's Wedding

This is the happy couple, my nephew Brad and his new wife Kate. They had there wedding at the Oak's in Somerworth, NH. The most beautiful Country Club, Golf Course and me with no clubs, one just can not catch a break. Of course I am only kidding, this truly was not the day to golf it was so hot and humid was just unreal, but everything went on without a problem heat wise. Kate's brother Abram grew all the cut flowers. The arrangements are done in all fall colors being the time of year. Kate is a Principal and a Sophomore advisor and Brad does Landscaping design, he is a very talented artist. I guess that drawing he must of inherited from his Aunt...............! What do you think?

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