Saturday, October 4, 2008

Happy Saturday........

Well, I must say my month of scrapping promise has not started off as I had hoped.....I have not scraped a thing. Friday was a very big day for me. My GF helped me move Marie and Albert back into Augusta and boy did we have a car load and than we unloaded and put away everything for them at the house; so now they are settled in town. I will now clean up at the camp for the winter months and get things washed so it will be all cleaned for when they return in the Spring. I will say they did have a very nice stay at there cottage this summer, Marie grew some awesome tomatoes and beautiful flowers. Last winter Paul and I had her Virgin all repainted and Paul and Arthur had taken it up to the cottage for her to enjoy there. I am going to insert a picture so you can see just how beautiful she is. Paul and I will take it in for the winter months. It is very hard to think that the summer has come and gone and fall is up on us and time to put things away. I still have a few things myself left outside to bring in but the weather has been so rainy lately that I have not been able to get it bought in. I do hope this coming week I can wrap things up. I would like very much to move on with my scrapping as I have some October Challenges I would like to take part in this month. So here is to hoping that the weather is good and I get things done outside and my challenges get under way. Will I say to you all again Happy Saturday and enjoy whatever you may do today.

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