Friday, March 27, 2009

New Baby......

News in the I am using a neutral color as we don't know yet what the baby is. Kiersten is due in November. This is my youngest sister Sherry son's girlfriend. She is just a peach you can not help but just love her to pieces. Here is a picture of them taken at Crystal's over the weekend. They live in St. John, NB, Ryan works for Canadian Customs. They both are very excited and we are all so very happy for them. I can not believe Sherry is going to be a grandmother....will I can. Will you know what I mean. Hard to believe these kids have grown up and are having kids....guess that means I am really getting old....hehehehe. Oh well...part of life's greatest wonders. I want to thank Ryan and Kiersten for being able to come home for Gram's birthday.....Hugs kids!

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