Monday, April 21, 2008

Beautiful Weather/Busy Day

This weather has just been unreal. I wish I could spent every minute outside but unfortunately it is not sad! Today all three fur kinds had grooming appointments so that took up my morning and part of the afternoon and than on to Paul's appointment. Yes, Paul had his follow up appointment today at the Harold Alfond's Cancer Center with his Oncologist Dr. Magioncalda and we are going to have to keep a very close watch on the spot on his spine, he will have to go back in a month for another MRI to see if it has changed and if by chance it does he will have to be put to sleep and a surgeon will have to take a bigger biopsy. This spot on his spine is painful for him and I don't understand it. I feel so bad, I wish there was something I could do for him to ease the pain. My poor babe I love him so much......I hate to see him hurt.
Paul, has to go back in a month for another appointment as well with his oncologist, which I think they will make his appointment after the MRI, she told me she would call me with the appointment.

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